Moments Notice
Nico Vassilakis
Publisher: Luna Bisonte Prods
PubDate: 6/17/2013
ISBN: 9781938521065
Price: $30.00
Quantity Available: 15
Pages: 75
"Moments notice us at a moment's notice, lying in wait for us, in this space-time lingo-jaunt. When humans (hypothetically) fall into a black hole, the first thing their bodies undergo is 'spagghettification.' One could say when human language falls into Nico Vassilakis' clutches, it undergoes a similar process. But instead of annihilation, there is plenitude."—Maria Damon
"Is it feasible for visual poetry to be positively erudite? In the words (or word) of one of the not-quite-texts here, MOMENTS NOTICE presents the argument for YES."—Ron Silliman
Author City: NEW YORK, NY USA
Nico Vassilakis is a writer living in New York City. He has published several books of poetry and visual poetry, including MOMENTS NOTICE (Luna Bisonte Prods). Nico co-edited The Last Vispo Anthology (Fantagraphics Books).